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Desde el pasado 1 de Junio de 2022, BOD Arquitectura e Ingeniería forma parte de WSP, una de las principales empresas consultoras de servicios profesionales de ingeniería del mundo, que reúne a más de 60.000 profesionales en 40 países.
En estos momentos nos encontramos trabajando en la integración del contenido de esta página web en la plataforma de WSP, por lo que agradecemos que continúes navegando como hasta la fecha.
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BOD experts can work together with you on how to get the most out of your Asset, through maximizing its core values, minimizing its OPEX or by repositioning.
Whether your project is core & shell and/or a refurbishment, our architects and engineers will find the perfect solution for maximizing your ROI.
The use of BIM and a clever BMS/sensorisation allows integrating parametric information of all kinds to each of the constituent elements of a BIM model, as well as extracting data, analysis statistics, quantification of elements and surfaces.
Our unique BIM expertise combined with our Construction Management skills allow us to commit to price and schedule very early in the process. You can keep your focus on what really matters for you and leave the rest in our hands
Millions of square meters successfully delivered speak volumes: we know how to build. People makes the difference, and we pride ourselves on having the most proactive, engaged, experienced and motivated technical team in the market. We love building your outstanding designs.
We will be your eyes and ears on-site and deploy all our technical capabilities and extensive construction experience to protect your interests. We support the follow-up with solid workflows and specific IT so that you can have an accurate and 360º vision of progress status of your investment, the risks we detect and the remediations we propose.
BOD’s core service and raison d’être, we excel in developing fully integrated designs with an exhaustive attention to details while securing our Clients priorities and Financial expectations.
Since 1985, we offer a fully-integrated architectural, facilities and structural engineering service, that has allowed us to be one of the most appreciated Architectural & Engineering Practices in Spain.
Urban planning is given the importance it deserves when tackling a project. Understanding the architectural project as an integral part of the urban fabric.
Our extensive experience and knowledge of urban regulations allow us to focus the solutions taking full advantage of the plot’s possibilities for our Clients.
We help our Clients to define and implement their Digital Strategy for Facilities, Asset and Property Management.
As BIM Pioneers and Leaders, we have gained perspective of the pros & cons of the different tools and technologies to apply and adapt to our Clients specificities, guaranteeing the success on their digital journey.
In-depth on-site review of the asset, by our multidisciplinary team. We use the most advanced digital tools for inspections to improve both, accuracy and quickness of the process.
We evaluate the criticality of the detected issues, and estimate the remediation and/or substitution costs, both in terms of CAPEX and OPEX for the new owner.
Holistic approach based on multifactorial and multi-level analysis defining different potential solutions and determining the best-fit for both our Client and Stakeholders.
Our top-notch digital capabilities allow us to an ultra-fast virtualization of the solutions, fostering and accelerating customer engagement and decision-making.